
It’s well known that many kiwis and internationals alike come to the south to stay.. play.. vacay… but for accommodation provider Staysouth their brand presence needed a boost to get a good slice of the action.

In a post-covid era, where every Aucklander and their dog was flocking to Queenstown, we were tasked with developing a creative campaign to cut through the resort town’s accommodation white noise and make Staysouth known. Well known.


Every holiday has a story.

We came up with a bunch of pretty damn funny holiday scenarios that most people can resonate with and played each one out in a luxury Staysouth property. The real purpose being to show off their impressive selection of penthouses, villas and apartments… but using nudity, gangster grannies, and nipple chafe to do so.

Viewer discretion not necessary.


Servicing a web and social distribution strategy, we delivered a suite of comedic content that serves luxury accommodation eye-candy with a side of humour, while supportive property owner and product focused web content filled in the info gaps.



Creative Concept

Creative Development

Content Production

Design & Animation

Script and Copywriting


Live campaign…it’ll probably get a gazillion views.


1 x Gazillion Views